Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Utah House Democratic Leader Retires

by Michael Orton for ImageProviders
©2012 All Rights Reserved


Utah's Democratic caucus was the forum for its leader, Rep. David Litvack, to announce that he will not seek re-election after his term expires this year. During the legislature's last week of regular meetings, on Monday the Democratic caucus held its normally scheduled, daily luncheon where last minute pitches from lobbyists and a congratulatory visit by Salt Lake City's mayor Ralph Becker were received. Conducting the meeting was the House Democratic whip, Jennifer Seelig (Dist. 23) who appeared visibly sober and pensive from the beginning of the meeting. The caucus has been open to the public throughout its existence. 

On this day 42 of the constitutionally prescribed 44-day legislative season, Becker, Salt Lake's current mayor, told the caucus that he had monitored the successes of the House democrats from a variety of sources, and that their leadership on "the issues we care about" had made a difference, particularly in the area of education for Utah's students of all ages.

Utah House Democratic Leader – Rep. DAVID LITVACK (Dist. 23) announces his retirement

Leaving time on the agenda for her colleague, Rep. Seelig then turned all the attention to Litvack. Saying that he felt he was "boring" by any scandalous standards which might cause his resignation, Mr. Litvack cited only the need to spend more hours with his wife Erin and their children, who had been growing up while he was serving others. Most popular with his colleagues, Rep. Litvack also had earned the respect of his opponents in the House while serving on the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice committee, the Workforce and Social Services committees as well as the Community and Economic Development task force. He is the recipient of numerous awards.

After earning his baccalaureate at Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Mr. Litvack obtained a graduate degree at the University of Chicago and would eventually rise to the democratic leadership and to assist the oversight of Executive Appropriations for the Utah legislature through its 2012 season. 

Litvack did not disclose his immediate or future plans following the legislature's adjournment on Thursday evening.

From a colleague with an already knowing grin, "You're not running for Governor, are you?"

"You know, if I could get the votes in my own house, I could consider it. ~smiles amidst the laughter~ ...but, no." 


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